Welcome to the Astrum Contracting

Where We Build Your Visions

We focus on effective collaboration and successful solutions.
We welcome projects of all sizes and are committed to delivering the highest level of value and service to every customer.

Astrum Contracting has 7 major divisions: Civil Works, MEP Works, Infrastructure Works, Maintenance Works, Survey Works, Oil and Gas works and Equipments/Logistics Works.


Civil Works

The Civil Works Division is the oldest division of Green Oasis. It is involved in all civil aspects of the awarded projects and is the main division in charge of all phases of any project from beginning to end.

Maintenance Works

The Maintenance Works Division is involved in all buildings and infrastructure where maintenance is required. The team handles all types of projects whether residential units, commercial buildings, hotels, or public infrastructure where maintenance or civil work restructuring or renovation is required.

Electromechanical Works

The Electromechanical Works Division is a major division within GOC consisting of a specialized in-house team in charge of Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing works that lends its expertise and technical know-how to all projects.

Survey Works

The Survey Works Division consists of a team specialized in infrastructure projects ranging from power substations and water tanks to pipe laying and road works.

Oil & Gas Works

As demand for oil and gas erodes , the cost of capital increases and carbon taxes kick in, decarbonisation will be essential in retaining the support of consumers, investors and regulators. Consumer of the future

Infrastructure Works

The Infrastructure Works Division consists of a team specialized in infrastructure projects ranging from power substations and water tanks to pipe laying and road works.

Equipment / Logistics

The Equipment/Logistics Division is involved in all buildings and infrastructure where maintenance is required. The team handles all types of projects whether residential units, commercial buildings, hotels, or public infrastructure where maintenance or civil work restructuring or renovation is required.

Infrastructure Projects – Residential Towers – Hospitals – Schools –
Shopping Centers – Government Offices – Villa Compounds


Our Specialization

You can use these sections to highlight the features of heading. Use these paragraphs to focus on the topic you want. Make sure you keep it short and attractive.

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Exterior Design​

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Furniture Design​

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Landscape Design​

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Site Planning

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Interior Design​

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Our Major Clients